Spring-Summer 2005

Publications Update: The Journal of Community Informatics, Community Media Review, The Nation, The Nonprofit Quarterly, Brainstorm

The Journal of Community Informatics logo

The Journal of Community Informatics

The newly-inaugurated Journal of Community Informatics brings together a global range of academics, CI practitioners, and national and multi-lateral policy makers. The third issue is dedicated to the theme of "Putting Our Work in Context" and reflects the diversity of research (and practice) in the area of CI.

  • Editorial: Putting Our Work in Context by Michael Gurstein
  • Is Community Informatics Good for Communities? Questions Confronting an Emerging Field by Randy Stoecker, University of Toledo
  • Community Democratization of Telecommunications Community Cooperatives in Argentina : The Case Of TELPIN by Susana Finquelievich, LINKS, and Graciela Cecilia Kisilevsky, University of Buenos Aires
  • Crisis, Farming & Community by Chris Hagar, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • Cybercafés and their potential as Community Development Tools in India by Anikar Michael Haseloff, Universität Augsburg
  • ICTs and Community and Suggestions for Further Research in Scotland by Anna Malina and Ian W. Ball, University of Dundee, Scotland
  • Structuration, ICTs, and Community Work by Larry Stillman, Monash University, Melbourne Australia and Randy Stoecker, University of Toledo

Points of View

  • Community Networking as Radical Practice by Garth Graham , Victoria , Canada

Notes and Cases from the Field

  • Position Paper: Turning the Corner with First Nations Telehealth by Geordi Kakepetum, Keewaytinook Okimakanak
  • Report From the Field: The RICTA Meeting Video by Susan O'Donnell, National Research Council Canada, Brian Walmark, Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute, and Cal Kenny, Knet
  • KiHS: Bridging the Traditional and Virtual Classroom in Canada 's First Nation Schools, by Brian Walmark, Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Note: Issue #2, on "Sustainability and Community ICTs," exploring the challenges of creating sustainable projects and initiatives, and transformations that results from these efforts, is also available online as is the premiere issue.

Community Media Review cover

Community Media Review

The quarterly journal of the Alliance for Community Media, a nonprofit, national membership organization founded in 1976, representing over 1,000 Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) access organizations and community media centers throughout the country. The Fall 2004 issue, edited by Margie Nicholson, is focused on the theme of “Cultural Preservation & Diversity” and available in its entirety in PDF format.

The Nation cover

The Nation

The May 23 issue is dedicated to the theme of "Radio Waves: The New Sounds of Unmanaged Democracy,", much of which is available online including a profile of Amy Goodman, the dynamic host of Democracy Now! by Lizzy Ratner, The Liberal Media—What Would Dewey Do? by Eric Alterman, Confessions of a Listener by Garrison Keillor, Low-power Radio by Rick Carr, Clear Channel's Failure by Eric Magnuson, Good, Gray NPR by Scott Sherman, and more.

Nonprofit Quarterly logo

The Nonprofit Quarterly

The journal of Third Sector New England, that provides information and services to support the entire nonprofit sector. Each issue generally contains a "Technology" section. The Winter 2004 issue on “The Responsibility of Leadership” includes online version of the editors' conversation with Eli Pariser, one of MoveOn's founders, on "Online Fundraising and Engagement" and how the two are linked.


The City of Seattle Community Technology ezine. The May 2005 issue features updates on free city WiFi spots; Acessa São Paulo, a community technology initiative in São Paulo, Brazil to close the digital divide; www.tips4you.org, a new consumer website about how to establish and protect your credit, avoid predatory lending, and manage money; more, including archives with techtips and links.


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