Editors intro - Special Conference Issue by anonymous
Less than six weeks ago, we gathered to meet with then-new CTCNet Executive Director Kavita Singh to discuss all the programs, projects, and complementary efforts being undertaken by CTCNet and the Community Media and Technology program at the College of Public and Community Service at UMass/Boston. High up on Kavita's list was the idea that we could produce a special issue of the Community Technology Review, designed to complement and add to all the activities that would be taking place around the annual CTCNet conference in June. This issue is the result of that discussion. As editors, we couldn't be more delighted. And we hope that you share our sense of accomplishment. As editors, we can take very little credit for what is worthy here. Our delight and pride is in seeing how others have risen to the occasion. The bulk of this effort really rests with two people—Daniel Schackman at CTCNet and Melissa Daigle at the College. Both are CTC VISTAs and have been working very hard on their respective projects since their start dates last summer, making substantial contributions to the overall project by their work, their example, and their efforts to involve others. For his part, on this particular project, Dan has shepherded a great deal of the content, the writing, and the organization; Melissa has worked in all these areas and has overseen most of the production work, too, for both the online and hard copy versions. Together they have achieved for the conference what the Review tries to do for the movement more generally—they have given it a depth and thoughtfulness that is not ordinarily associated with the busy-ness that overwhelms almost every active practitioner and activist in the community media and technology field and that all too often extends to conference workshops themselves. With articles, interviews, and resource pointers divided into sections that correspond to the conference tracks and workshops, this special issue of the Review, integrated with post-conference workshop links, provides a living testimony to the thoughtfulness that informs our work and guides us in developing effective practices and programs at their best and to leading a life fully rich in thought and action to challenge us in the highest way possible. We are both humble and proud in having the opportunity to offer these things to you. As the Editors' Introduction notes, this special Community Technology Review is designed to complement and add to all the activities surrounding the CTCNet Conference. The five sections in this issue correspond with the five tracks:
The Association for Community Networking is also presenting AFCN track sessions as part of this year's conference. The articles in these tracks were selected to enhance the tracks overall, as well as address some of the topics that will be presented in particular workshops. The contents and section headers are being linked to the sessions which will all have presentation and follow-up materials, as best as they can be organized. We welcome your comments on what we believe is a unique and dynamic conference-publication combination.—the editors Comments
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