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Learning More about Engaging Youth in Research & Evaluation by anonymous
Goodyear, Leslie and Checkoway, Barry (Eds.). (2003). Community Youth Development Journal, 4(1). Greer, Luis Carlos and Martinez, Tamara. (2001). "All for our future." The Evaluation Exchange, a publication of the Harvard Family Research Project, 7(2), p. 12. Horsch, Karen, Little, P., Smith, J., Goodyear, L. and Harris, E.. (2002). Youth Involvement in Evaluation & Research: Issues and opportunities in out-of-school time evaluation, 1. Harvard Family Research Project. Sabo, Kim (Ed.). (2003). "Youth Participatory Evaluation: A Field in the Making." New Directions for Evaluation, 98. Smith, Jennifer. (2001). "Pizza, transportation and transformation: youth involvement in evaluation and research." The Evaluation Exchange, a publication of the Harvard Family Research Project, 7(2), pp. 10-11. Whitmore, Elizabeth (Ed.). (1998). "Understanding and Practicing Participatory Evaluation." New Directions for Evaluation, 80. Community Youth Development Journal: CYD Journal promotes youth and adults working together in partnership to create just, safe, and healthy communities by building leadership and influencing public policy. Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) strives to increase the effectiveness of public and private organizations and communities as they promote child development, student achievement, healthy family functioning, and community development. Youth in Focus is a non-profit consulting and training organization that pursues this vision by supporting Youth-led Research, Evaluation and Planning (Youth REP). Our work is rooted in the belief that youth can effectively partner with adults to address social and organizational challenges, and that these partnerships are crucial to making just, democratic, and sustainable social change. The Youth Action Research Institute (YARI) of the Institute for Community Research was formed in 1996 based on nearly a decade of work on youth-led action research for development, risk prevention, and social change. YARI promotes the use of action research for personal, group, and community development. Participants include children, preadolescents, and youth of diverse ethnic backgrounds as well as sexual minority youth. The Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development unleashes the potential of youth, adults, organizations, and communities to engage together in creating a just and equitable society. At the Table: This interactive, user-driven web site allows practitioners from all ages to share resources, strategies, and success stories to support their work in engaging youth in the decision-making process in communities and organizations across the world. Comments
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