Community Technology Centers Review
(from Playing to Win)

Purpose is:
universal technological enfranchisement.
to broaden the scope of personal capability and interest.
to enable learning and functioning through technology.

Technology is:
a tool.
an information resource.
a vehicle for communication.

Students can:
learn to operate machines and programs.
learn how to create programs.
learn how to use programs as tools.
learn from programs.
learn with programs.

Students are:
participants in the learning process.
working collaboratively.
in control.
actively engaged.

Results are:
skill in tool use.
success in learning.
increased self-esteem.
ability to use resources.
ability to articulate process and need.
recognition of personal contribution.
respect for contributions of others.
habits of self-assessment.

Teachers are:
facilitators, guides, coaches, gardeners.
participants in the learning process.
role models.

are project based.
reference real-world activity.
respect and use background, culture, skills of participants.
provide for team work.

Assessment is:
the joint task of participant and teacher.
based on personal accomplishment.
substantiated by personal portfolio.

Community Technology Center Review, January 1998
Table of Contents