The Resource Center
The Resource Center, formerly the National Service Resource Center (NSRC), is the major technical assistance provider for AmeriCorps program and contains a wealth of assets. A wide range of online resources are freely available and relevant to the full spectrum of nonprofits, and do not require a log-in and password. Print resources can be borrowed, lending-library style by National Service members and project managers (materials are shipped to the member’s site.) The site is searchable by topic, and has a Frequently Searched Topics page, including a link to Program Management: Technology resources. Among the technology program management links are numerous Digital Divide resources, including news stories, best practices, and useful links to:
The Center publishes two eNewsletters with extensive archives. The Resource Connection, v4 #3 covers "Technology in National Service Programs"; the January 2004 eNews focuses on “Closing the Digital Divide.” Hyperlinks references in this article: Comments