Publications Update: Community Media Review
Sections and partial contents from the Spring 2005 issue of the
Community Media Review:
Setting the Stage
- "Don't Agonize—Organize!" by Dr. Rob Williams, the Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME)
- "Media Reform for What?" by Janine Jackson, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)
- "The Time has Come to Build a Movement" from Our Media, Not Theirs: The Democratic Struggle Against Corporate Media by Robert W. McChesney & John Nichols, Free Press, 2002
- "Deregulation Means Corporate Handouts and Broken Promises" by Gene Kimmelman, Consumers Union
- "Regulatory Parity and Other Misgivings" by Mark Lloyd, Center for American Progress
- "The Beginning and the End of the Internet? Discrimination, Closed Networks, and the Future of CyberSpace" by FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, October 2003
- "The Public Convenience and Necessity: A Brief History of US Communications and Media Policy" by Lauren-Glen Davitian (guest Editor-in-Chief for the issue)
Essential Background for the 1934 and 1996 Acts
Emerging Issues: Common Carriers, Broadcast Media, Spectrum Policy/DigitalTV, and Broadband Rules for Open Access, Universal Service, and Community Reinvestment
Mobilizing People Power: The Way Forward
- "Building Alliances," by Inja Coates, Media Tank
- Power Map/Web of Influence
- Public Interest Activists and Policy Statements
- Spread the Good Word: Framing, Story Telling & Viral Marketing
- Electronic Tools for Human Networks
Also, check out CMR site map.