Spring 2003

New Directions in Publishing and Projects
by The Editors

With this spring issue, coming out so shortly after our winter offering, we're excited to be on a roll, with a new on-line, print on-demand format we're experimenting with, articles that intersect with our other involvements and work, including a new cable television/webcast experiment, new features we're planning to have as regular offerings including graphics by Matt Wuerker and a policy column by Robert Cannon, Director of the Washington Internet Project—and lots of new content and special pieces that we're excited about, following on the heels of our reader survey that drew overwhelming responses from you.

This issue's cover memorial to Toni Stone, founder of CTCNet, and the articles on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program, by Gabrielle Hammond, and on the Commonwealth Broadband Network supplement the premiere cable and web cast of "First Tuesday"—providing integrated on-request streaming video coverage and demonstrate, we think, a truly multi-media breakthrough.  With issues like EITC, we need to present these stories in as many ways as possible. This important benefit program for low-income people has literally billions of dollars going unclaimed because 25% of those eligible still do not know about the program or how to file for benefits. The growing technology resources that are helping people obtain these benefits is a major story and development that needs to be told far and wide.

As the organizational publication for CTCNet and AFCN, we have a special relation with their leadership and programs and in providing you with coverage of some of their major organization developments—we trust their pieces encourage you to visit both organizational web sites for an even more up-to-date look at their resources. Two of our VISTA reports—by Sharon Alhourani and Mary Grybeck—are from members of the CTC VISTA Project. Continuing contributions by The Children's Partnership, Anne McFarland, Daniel Schackman (another CTC VISTA), Layton Olson, Frank Odasz, Randal Pinkett, and Terry Grunwald, plus a host of new contributors give this issue both a continuity and coverage of new projects and programs and alert us to new developments taking place during this period of consolidation.

We were pleased to have nearly 170 responses to our online survey in January. The survey results gave us a clearer idea of the makeup, needs, and interest of our audience:

  • 54% of respondents had been reading the Review for less than a year.
  • Most respondents access and prefer the online version.
  • 76% expressed an interest in getting Special Reports and Publications.
  • Respondents fell into every work venue, including CTCs, other nonprofits, the public sector, schools and universities, for-profit enterprise, consulting, etc.
  • Many people offered topics and suggestions for future issues.
  • We've since received articles from people who made inquiries through the survey form.

It's been a successful evaluation, and we look forward to considering your recommendations further as the Review continues to develop and change, along with the community technology field itself.  We're working on contributions for the next issue now, so if you've got something you'd like to submit for consideration, do let us know.—pm, rc, & md

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