Summer-Fall 2001

Street Tech Poem: Digital Monster
by Brandon Moore
Towering, menacing above me
Speaking, crying, whispering for me to come inside
and see
There was a door in the middle of 23rd
Yes a big big door in the middle of the street standing erect
The monster calling me hither pushing urging commanding me to open its wooden frame
So I arose standing in front —No choice—
I opened the door
Slowly with fear in my heart looking down as if shy
then I lifting my eyes upward—I saw—I saw—
A new world!!!
Yea man I saw a new world!! One foot forward and
the door shut, locking itself, I cried for help but all
I saw was computers on
the shelf!
I saw new age soldiers computers on their backs
linked to satellites rotating the heavens
1 and 0’s everything either on or off backward or forward hard or soft but I remained strong—in this binary world—the monster had pushed me forward into a new world I knew nothing about, separated, yes divided from the rest as they ran forward, I tried to start a stride but my feet were stuck—yes due to lack of knowledge of this world I couldn’t move, backpedaling on cords and strings tripping on power supplies and outlets which hung from the dark sky like a dream, I was dying like the others their bodies canceling like word perfect windows I pushed myself to my feet and beheld a fountain from behind, drinking, I drank, as a camel in the desert, drinking, I drank of knowledge and grew strong enough to run—yes strong enough to run.

Street Tech, San Pablo, CA

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