Summer-Fall 2001

The New Gold Rush - Mining Raw Human Potential Using Free Web Tools
by Frank Odasz

As the cost of computers and Internet access continues to drop, and the range of free Web tools and online self-directed learning opportunities expands, serious questions emerge: How can we provide the best training for the most people—requiring the least investment of time and effort, yet proven to produce inspired, self-motivated learners? There is a huge, untapped economic reserve of raw human potential, made accessible by the Internet’s ability to offer ongoing, low-cost education, training and support.

Here are a few examples of them.

  • Citizen-to-citizen mentoring is the only way there will be enough mentors to meet the need, seeing as how six billion new Internet users are expected over the next 15 years due to advances in low-cost, high speed, two-way Internet satellite and wireless technologies. At we see individual mentors hosting national topic-specific directories of resources as part of a commercial business. Where is the local counterpart? At the ASKA+ site one can see topical listings of citizens’ expertise with offerings of free online mentorship, an easily replicable model relevant to local and global citizen-to-citizen teaching
  • We’re still seeing free E-business start-up services offered by dozens of businesses. Growing online consumer communities using interactive tools is fast becoming mainstream. There are rapidly emerging and diverse models for micropayments and alternative economies. For example: and reward creative citizens who post learning resources and articles. rewards citizens who rate online resources. The number of examples is soaring.
  • The need exists to emphasize the role of youth-based community Internet awareness-raising through low-cost, short-term, local action initiatives such as those posted at the Bootstrap Academy and “Building Learning Communities.”

Frank Odasz is principal of Lone Eagle Consulting. This is from a longer piece.

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