Summer-Fall 2001

The Nonprofit Quarterly - Resources in Hardcopy and Online
by Kay O'Rourke
Nonprofit Quarterly

The Nonprofit Quarterly is a print magazine that features innovative thinking and proven management practices, analysis and tools, for leaders and managers across the sector, from human service organizations to arts groups to grassoots community activists to environmentalists. Each issue has a particular theme—Advocacy, Media, and Technology have been covered—and includes coverage of topics that are perennially important such as financial management, fundraising, technology, board development, and human resource practices.

Recognizing the strategic use of information and communications technology is now one of the most important challenges facing nonprofit organizations, every issue features articles about technology in language that nonprofits can understand, ranging from ASPs (Applications Service Providers) to Internet advocacy and fundraising to strategic technology planning.

The Nonprofit Quarterly is now online, too, and includes a selection of articles as well as subscription and additional information. The August 2000 issue was devoted entirely to “Technology: Humanware Matters Most” and online selections include pieces on:

  • Developing Enabling Networks and Systems Support
  • Principles for Creating a Technologically Powered Nonprofit sector
  • How to Save Money: a Primer for the Busy Nonprofit Executive
  • The Role of Communications Technology in Advocacy

“We are all learning so much as we experiment and struggle with technology tools and strategies,” comments Mark Osten, internet strategist, technology planner and Nonprofit Quarterly’s Technology Advisor. “We try to highlight lessons from the field to help nonprofits understand how they can take advantage of technology power tools.”

A special $29 subscription rate is offered to readers of the The Community Technology Review. To subscribe, go to the NPQ web site and enter coupon code YES31 or call 800.281.7770.

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