International Community Technology Development Since Barcelona
by Richard Lowenberg and Steve Ronan and Steve Cisler
The CTReview and its predecessors have always provided some coverage and resource material on community technology developments in the international arena--Steve Cisler has been one of our main contributors since 1998 and in the last issue, where Dirk Konig helped add to our resources.
There are currently seven reports on the Community Networking Global 2000 conference, conveying the great leap forward that Barcelona
provided for international CT/ICT/CN/CTC development, including Steve's. In addition, note the following additional resources and references.
- From Richard Lowenberg GlobalCN2001 has been in planning and development since the end of the Barcelona meeting. It will take place December 5-7 in Buenos Aires. Information on the conference, call for papers, organization and registration is online.
Richard Lowenberg (left) and Canada's Gartheth Shearman coordinating the North America organizing session at the Community Networking Global 2000 Conference in Barcelona. |
I am on the Steering
Committee, am preparing a session titled "(R)Evolution of Networked Economics" and will also represent the AFCN there. There are active email lists related to the organization of the Buenos Aires conference, including follow-up exchanges that have been taking place among international participants via , and Mike Gurstein has moderated/facilitated lists related to the Dot Force initiatives currently in process, hosted by the Vancouver Community Network.
The Markle Foundation has also been conducting list discussions/participation related to public/civic sector inclusion in drafting of current G-8 Dot Force proposals and plans. DIGOPP is sponsored by the Markle Foundation and moderated by Education Development Center (EDC). To subscribe or, send a message to and in the first line of the message type: subscribe digopp. Archives are available.
- FromStephen Ronan "on America Connects The Digital Opportunity Task (DOT) Force presents its Final Report which includes a proposal for a "Genoa Plan of Action" to be discussed at the G8 summit July 22-22 in Genoa, Italy. In its report, the DOT Force identifies priority actions under each of the priority areas identified by the G8 summit in Okinawa, Japan, in July 2000: Fostering Policy, Regulatory and Network Readiness; Improving Connectivity, Increasing Access, and Lowering Costs; Building Human Capacity; and Encouraging Participation in Global e-Commerce and other e-Networks
At the CN2000 reception Richard Civille (left) and Dirk Koning chat with Toni Stone, who delivered the opening conference keynote. |
From Steve Cisler "Telecenters for Socioeconomic and Rural Development in Latin America and the Caribbean," in English and Spanish, by Francisco Proenza of the Inter American Development Bank in DC. "I think his work has cut through some of the hype and wishful thinking by some donors and center promoters to give us a pretty good picture of what is happening in Latin America and the Caribbean... This study is one of the more rigorous ones I've seen."
- The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries has recently published a special issue on Telecentres that includes pieces on Evaluation of Online Access Centres: Promoting Micro E-Business Activity in Small, Isolated Communities; Comparing Urban and Rural Telecenters Costs; Comparing Approaches: Telecentre Evaluation Experiences in Asia Latin America; Building a Knowledge Infrastructure for Learning Communities; and True Stories: Telecentres in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- The Peace Review Journal,an international and multidisciplinary journal of peace, social justice and human rights, will be publishing a special issue on Social Justice Movements and the Internet in September.