Growing Demand for Rural Broadband and the Growing Digital Network
Thirty years ago, the region missed acquiring an Interstate highway. Their next hope for an economic recovery was dependent on connecting to the world's largest "Super Highway." The problem was, and to some extent still is, that much of the core population didn't see the value of a big road that few could drive on: the Internet. The problem demanded that we find a way to make the Internet personally useful to normal people on a daily basis. We use the term "normal" to mean everyone in the community: aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, your boss, your neighbor, your mailman, his minister, and his wife's hairdresser. Ultimately, we needed to produce something that adequately answered the community's relevant question, "What's on the Internet for me?" Or, more to the point, "What, on the Internet, is worth $45 a month?" Our response was a program we named "Growing Digital." We chose "Growing" because everyone in rural America knew what "Growing" meant and "Digital" because that was the kind of technology that we wanted to grow. For the first year I literally walked around handing out seed packets re-labeled with ones and zeros to show people that we were trying to "grow" new kinds of "digital plants" in the area.
This new "digital garden" was designed around five common rural traits: To plow up the ground we chose mostly middle school students as tractors, along with some elementary and more recently a little high school expertise. They're energetic, annually regenerated, and love working and playing on the Internet. We hooked up a dozen or so, six at a time, to eight special computers bridled to six cameras and four microphones. Then, we encouraged their growth with some after-school and summer IT training programs to create what is now known as the Growing Digital Network (GDN). The students learned by doing. More than 90% of all training is hands-on. We assign brand-new crew members to an old crew member and put them to work on day one. (You don't get a crew member T-shirt until you've completed an entire webcast in a single crew position like camera, audio, or encoding.) Most students already know the basics of running a video camera; many can operate a computer. What they don't usually know is what the possibilities are. That's where real learning opportunities arise. Students look at their work, better yet, their peers look at their work and say, "Hey, why was the video so dark?" or "Why is there a 40-second delay in the live video from the Internet video?" These questions are too difficult to answer in the middle of a live webcast, so we cover the "academics" in after-school training. GDN produces about four live Internet webcasts each month. What's a webcast? It's a lot like a TV program except that you see it on the Internet. The bad news is that the picture can be much worse than TV, with sound quality that varies between that of AM and FM radio. The good news is that, regardless of the picture quality, hundreds and sometimes thousands of people watch the GDN network each week.
So, what are twelve or so middle school kids putting on the Internet? The range of content has varied widely. First and foremost, GDN connects its audience with people and things they care about.
In just over thirteen months, "normal" people have watched almost 4000 hours of streaming video on the Growing Digital Network. Most GDN live webcasts average 100 viewing hours each with more than 60,000 streams served. GDN has been viewed on at least 10,000 different computers. Conservatively, we estimate more than 20,000 people have seen a GDN webcast. One contest netted us a digital picture of more than 40 people watching a live GDN webcast on a single computer. GDN has been lauded and recognized by Virginia's Center for Innovation and the state Community College system for its award winning technology outreach program. We don't believe any single non-profit organization in the country is driving more demand for broadband than the Growing Digital Network. In fact, we offer the "GDN challenge" to all comers: Show us any entity creating more rural broadband demand than GDN and we'll send them 12 GDN crew member t-shirts. We believe the key to driving rural broadband demand is homemade regional video. It's homemade because the local kids produce it and the local people support it. If we are to see masses of rural Americans grow hungry for broadband Internet, we have to stock it with content that satisfies their existing appetites. The top of that menu begins with family, friends, and football. We serve two counties and a city with a combined population of under 250,000. Virtually anyone from our region, looking at the content of our home page, can find something they want to watch. On the other end of the statistic, we're using a total of 12-15 kids to produce enough Internet content variety to satisfy that level of regional media appetite. Most school districts already have the best broadband connections in rural areas and most of the equipment needed for webcasting. What's more noticeable is that school networks are barely used after 3:30 PM. That's about when we start setting up for Growing Digital Network webcasts. The reality is that dial-up adequately serves the web browsing, emailing, and researching needs of most people. Even if 50-75% of rural residents had high levels of interest in web browsing, emailing, and researching, in most cases, it would not generate enough sustained demand to produce a new infrastructure return on investment (ROI); it's simply a function of sparse population density. The truth is uncomplicated: only video can generate enough demand to justify broadband in rural America. In summary, rural Americans don't need to understand infrastructures or web browsers or what broadband is. They need to see what it does. In GDN's case, broadband takes family and friends to events they can't drive to see. And when it's over, GDN takes them back to re-live the game, the play, or the show all over again—three hours, three days or three months from now. It gives them a good reason to pass up small, blurry, dial-up video for an Internet TV program that's better than a John Wayne movie—one that stars their favorite kid, fastest car, or even a hummingbird expert. Grandparents will always be bumping into friends and strangers in the mall and pulling out photos of their grandkids. But with the Growing Digital Network around, they just might be pulling you over to the closest broadband connection. My advice is, try and get away after you see the photographs. If they get you to a computer, you'll have to watch the whole game!
R. Terry McGhee is the Director of Information Technology for Danville (VA) Community College's Regional Center for Applied Technology & Training. Terry's primary focus is teaching middle and high school students IT skills through computer summer academies and the Growing Digital Network, and supporting the region's IT and broadband infrastructure efforts. Terry also currently serves as National Youth Coordinator for the Rural Telecommunications Congress.
I think that the entire BUSINESS side of this whole thing is being overlooked. As a previous city-slicker who had a quest to find a big house, in a small town, on a dirt road WITH HIGH SPEED INTERNET so that I could work from home, I disagree. There are 1,000's of people all over this country who would rather live in a small town or rural America. Raise our kids with a culture of our choosing instead of the crap shoved down our throats by big metropolitan school systems who are forced to be more concerned about their "gang control plans" than their educational ciriculum! There are A LOT of us who can telecommute, and many more who can run web based business'. This economic advantage alone can bring live to small towns all over America! We'll be the ones who cannot live without pizza delivery, the video rental store, and other things that people in the city take for granted. And those of us whose neighbor is a mile away can't even hope for. I think that while this is a great way to hit the consumer close to home, that the business side of this is certainly a compelling reason to get broadband to our small towns and rural areas all on it's own. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks no matter where you live. Broadband offers us the opportunity to have the best of both worlds - our rural life with some say as to how our town culture actually IS, AND the ability to run BIG business from "the middle of nowhere". Don't miss the boat. A LOT of us prior city slickers are looking to bring movies, pizza delivery and our kids to a town near you soon. As soon as you have high speed internet. Terry McGhee is one of the most awesome individuals that I know. His work in the field of streaming videa and webcasting should be applauded in EVERY arena. he should be recognized as the person who has developed the true demand for broadband. Great story Posted by: Gary Larrowe at February 19, 2004 07:46 AMWow! This article shows what "rural" America can do. We (Chatham Hall) have been privileged enough to have GDN on site 3 times in the past and look forward to 3 more times this school year. We have broadcast school plays and most recently a speech from Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland. We look forward to the broadcast of the speech of the recent Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shirin Ebadi, in May. We have had the opportunity to add one of our students to the crew giving her an opportunity she would not have had otherwise. Way to go Terry and way to go GDN! Posted by: David Lyle at February 19, 2004 09:27 AMI'm so glad people are finally recognizing who we are and what we are doing. I am one of the high school students the article refers to. My parents think GDN is doing nothing for me, but they have no clue how much of a learning experience this is for me. I'm going to share this article with them in hopes that their prospective of GDN will change. Posted by: Mandy at February 19, 2004 09:43 PMinspring work, terry. you've taught me a lot -- using all mediums available. Posted by: phil shapiro at February 19, 2004 11:06 PMJust a note to say a big thank you for webcasting this game. Living quite some distance from Danville I was able to watch the game in Africa of all places. Since my family is directly involved with GW this was even a bigger connect for me. I had to stay up late to watch, but it was worth it. I hope you continue to broadcast more area high school games. Posted by: joe at September 25, 2004 02:54 PMHello Terry, Are you all covering the concert for DSO this Saturday night or was it just for the little violinist? Posted by: Leigh Latchum at December 1, 2004 08:53 PMPost a comment