Up Arthur J. Harvey Barry Forbes Fred Johnson Mary Lester Jon Darling
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Modeling Access for People with
Disabilities in Rural America |
Mary Lester is the Associate Director
of the Alliance for Technology Access www.ATAccess.org and
the coordinator for ATA's MIRA project. Ms. Lester's knowledge of assistive technology is
both personal and professional. Her experience base consists of thirteen years in the
field, working on local, state and national levels to create effective partnerships among
the public and private sectors to advance the access of people with disabilities to
conventional and assistive communication technologies |
Mary Lester Most agree that the exponential developments of the Information
Age, most notably the Internet at the moment, hold huge potential for information access,
communication, and increase of quality of life for all who have access to it. The reality,
however, is that for many reasons, it is still a minority who do have that access, and
this is especially true of those outside of the mainstream of education and vocation --
the technology disenfranchised -- including rural communities, people of color, elders,
and people with disabilities. |
Mary Lester with Richard Sclove from the Loka
Institute (which houses the Community Research Network) at the first meeting of the
Managing Information with Rural America (MIRA) policy groups in Battle Creek, MI, July
1998. |
The Alliance for Technology Access is a nationwide network
of 40 community-based technology resource centers and 80 technology vendors and developers
working to increase access to empowering technologies by people with disabilities. ATA
promotes access to conventional, assistive, and communication technologies through public
service, public awareness, and public policy which mandates universal design and insures
access to all technology products by the broadest spectrum of people. Our vision is of a
future in which technology is flexible, inexpensive, accessible and seamless in connecting
us to the world. There are multiple policy issues
of major concern to the Alliance for Technology Access and the communities it serves.
Legislative mandates and regulatory decisions play an enormous role in the lives of people
with disabilities. Among the key policy concerns of the ATA and its technology centers are
the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, all of which
address the importance of access to technology by people with disabilities. At every turn
in the policy-making process, equity for people with disabilities has to be safeguarded
and protected because it can be so easily and carelessly lost. In many cases, like the
implementation of section 255 of the Telecommunications Act, the issues are very complex
and achieving the goal of accessible products and services for all people with
disabilities is complicated and arduous -- but absolutely critical. What's at stake for
people with disabilities is nothing short of participation in life - education,
employment, communication, recreation and independence.
Through the Managing
Information with Rural America (MIRA) initiative of the Kellogg Foundation, the ATA is
supporting four of its technology Resource Centers to conduct innovative projects that
will model how consumers and their families can impact local and regional policies and
practices to improve the use of conventional, assistive and communication technologies in
rural areas in schools, libraries, homes and businesses.
Parents Let's Unite for Kids (PLUK), Billings,
Technology Tools for All Students
Computer technology and distance learning are used
extensively in Montana public schools, and high tech assistive technology is commonly
accepted as an option for students with the most severe disabilities. However, most rural
schools do not view students with milder disabilities as appropriate candidates for
assistive technology. The unwritten policy is that students with mild disabilities need to
learn in the conventional ways because "they won't always have a computer with
The focus of this project will be to influence local
policymakers and educators in the public schools to consider a policy change from denial
of technology to encouragement of computer use to circumvent aspects of learning
disabilities that cannot be remediated easily. The goal for the students is to prepare
them to be more efficient learners whose output more closely matches their intellectual
capabilities. The project will try to influence local decision-makers so that use of
assistive technology for learning disabled students becomes culturally assimilated as
something that is necessary and appropriate.
Project implementation involves on-site demonstrations of
compensatory tools and trial use of laptops with appropriate software so that staff and
students can experience and demonstrate how conventional, assistive and communication
technologies can circumvent the barriers faced by students with learning disabilities, who
represent 56% of the 17,000 special education students in the state. These students are
covered by IDEA and local policymakers need to fully and appropriately implement its
mandates addressing technology.
Carolina Computer Access Center, Charlotte, NC
The Tele-School Project
The Carolina Computer Access Center (CCAC) is addressing a
growing need for the development of policies and procedures to bring the classroom setting
to home-based students with disabilities in the least restrictive manner -- using
videoconferencing technologies. These current technologies have the potential to
facilitate and enhance the inclusion of students with severe disabilities in their
assigned school-based general education classrooms and provide a workable model for school
policymakers in rural areas to replicate.
Various technologies will be surveyed in the course of the
project, some of which will be proprietary in nature, will require the installation of
customized equipment in both the classroom and the home, and may require the installation
of ISDN lines at the home of the student being served. These technologies will represent
the high-end range of solutions, and will deliver the highest quality videoconference
possible. Other solutions will be Internet-based and use a combination of proprietary and
industry standard technologies to render video of an appropriate quality to support a
learning environment. These technologies will be relatively less expensive to implement
and represent the mid-range solutions. Still other solutions will utilize purely
non-proprietary technology, including standard analog phone lines. One of the objectives
of the project will be to determine which solutions represent a practical, replicable
alternative for students and policymakers in rural areas.
East Tennessee Technology Access Center,
Knoxville, TN
Affordable Access to Communication Technologies
The project focuses on the need to develop low-cost
Internet access for people who live in rural areas, are isolated, and live on fixed
incomes. In many areas of East Tennessee, calls outside the county in which people live
are long-distance, and many areas also lack local Internet access numbers. This project
focuses on the policies, procedures, and laws that govern the pricing of Internet
Project staff will work in conjunction with the Knoxville
Oak Ridge Regional Network (KORRnet) and their Computer for Homebound/Isolated People
(CHIPS) program which provides computers to individuals in 15 rural counties. They will
build a coalition of people that will work toward change in internet funding practices.
The first step goal is to get low-cost Internet access to CHIPS participants so they can
use the donated equipment to connect with the rest of the world. The next goal is to
address low-cost services for all rural people in East Tennessee, and then to address
affordable access across the state.
Western Kentucky Assistive Technology Consortium
(WKATC), Murray, KY
Project ACCESS
There are good resources and policies in place in
Kentucky, but people do not always know about them. Kentucky school policy states all
children must have equal access to technology, the statewide network and other information
needed to meet their schools' instructional goals. There is a trust fund (the Kentucky
Education Technology System) that can be spent for assistive equipment but it is little
Project staff in Murray will train administrators, library
media specialists and teachers in six school districts about accommodations which would
make computers accessible to students with disabilities and how to access the educational
trust funds. Accessible computer workstations will give students with disabilities access
to electronic media and the statewide technology network. WKATC staff will provide
training and information about low- to high-tech adaptations which will allow individuals
with disabilities to use computers in the library and classroom. A Computer Access Kit
which outlines resources (equipment and funding) to make computers accessible will be a
product of the project, along with a blueprint for consumers and their families to change
how policies can get put into practice to increase funding and access to assistive
technology in rural areas.
The anticipated result is that the total funding will be
made available in the form of technology and support to those students for whom it was
Together these projects will increase access by impacting
local, rural policymakers, while developing and refining policy change strategies that can
be replicated in other rural settings. By documenting these projects ATA will develop some
basic blueprints that can be followed by communities wanting to create more equity in the
availability and use of vital conventional, assistive, and communication technologies. |