Community Technology Centers' Network |
Summer-Fall 1999 |
Communications Policy on the
Front Lines:
Ideas for Change
Perspectives |
Ann Wrixon on
Sustainability Leslie Harris on Broadband
Aki Namioka in Seattle Tony Wilhelm and Audrie Krause on Mergers
Hughes and Terry Grunwald on E-Rate Barry Forbes on the CTC Campaign News on the CTCNet RFP
and the TIIAP Coalition |
Libraries |
McFarland, Jamie McClelland,
Phil Shapiro, Shava Nerad on the View from Libraries |
and Local |
Terry Grunwald in NC Cary
Williams in Ohio Lauren-Glenn Davitian
in Vermont Seongcheol Kim and Dirk
Koning in Michigan Local Reports from Sue Buske
(Cambridge, MA), Autumn Labbe-Renault (Davis, CA), Pierre Clark (Chicago), Fred I. Williams (Wash, DC), Kara Harris (Austin,
TX) |
Communities |
Arthur J. Harvey on the Reservation
Barry Forbes on rural issues Fred Johnson in Kentucky Mary Lester on Four Rural Disabilities
Telecommunications Policy Projects Jon Darling in
rural PA |
Directions |
Siembab, Lawrence Hecht, Kenneth Pigg, Ron Burnettlook at new policy angles
Steve Cisler on International
Perspectives Jessica Brown on the Attack on
Microradio Ryan Turner on Nonprofits' Policy
and Technology |
Resources |
Extensive Resource
Listings by Carl Kucharski and Art McGee |